Following is the speech by the Director-General of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Mr Law Kin-wai at Indonesian Students Association in Hong Kong (PPIHK) Pre-departure briefing in Jakarta, Indonesia today (August 4):
Good Morning,
My name is Law Kin-wai and I am the Director-General of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office. Our office is the official representation of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to ASEAN. We handle bilateral matters between Hong Kong and ASEAN, including Indonesia. Our goal here is to further strengthen Hong Kong's ties with ASEAN countries and enhance our trade, economic and cultural relations.
I would like to welcome you all to Hong Kong. You all have made an excellent choice to pursue your tertiary studies in Hong Kong. A cosmopolitan city with the East and West culture, Hong Kong has so much to offer to those who are in our city, for any period of stay. People, culture, cuisine, lifestyle are as colourful as one could find in other world-class cities. So apart from studying, do make sure you explore the city and enjoy what it offers.
You might have noticed from the news that Hong Kong is seeing a period of unrest. I would like to reassure you that Hong Kong remains as one of the safest societies in the world as ever. While international media have been extensively focusing on incidents of clashes and disruption, in our city, economic activities proceed as usual and people are generally going about their daily lives in much the same way. You should not be over worried. None of what differentiates Hong Kong as a prime city in the world – such as rule of law, free flow of information, effective public services as well as an open society, has fundamentally changed.
In the following time, our interns who are university students in Hong Kong will share their knowledge and give you a brief introduction on Hong Kong, preparing you for the journey ahead.
I wish you a fruitful tour in Hong Kong. I am sure that you all would be an Ambassador to promote Hong Kong and our close ties with Indonesia to your family and friends.
Thank you.
Ends/ Sunday, August 4, 2019