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Working in Hong Kong

Hong Kong offers great opportunities for talents and welcomes people with valuable skills, knowledge or experience from all over the world to work and live in Hong Kong. Depending on your background, you can apply to work in Hong Kong through different admission schemes.

Quality Migrant Admission Scheme

The HKSAR Government launched the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme to attract highly skilled or talented persons from around the world to settle in Hong Kong without having to secure an offer of local employment beforehand.

Successful applicants will be allowed to stay for initially 12 months and can extend their stay after securing a job offer in the first year. In addition, you are allowed to bring your spouse and unmarried dependent children under the age of 18 to Hong Kong. They are free to take up employment or study during their stay.

General Employment Policy – Entrepreneur Scheme

Entrepreneurs from overseas who plan to establish or join in a business in Hong Kong may apply under the General Employment Policy – Entrepreneur Scheme. Applications will be favourably considered for start-up entrepreneurs who plan to establish or join in a start-up business supported by a government-backed programme such as InvestHK’s StartmeupHK Venture Programme; Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation’s Incu-App, Incu-Bio and Incu-Tech programmes; Cyberport Incubation Programme; or the Hong Kong Design Centre’s Design Incubation Programme.

General Employment Policy – Professionals

Professionals who wish to work in Hong Kong and have a confirmed offer of employment relevant to his academic qualifications or work experience that cannot be readily taken up by the local work force can apply under the General Employment Policy – Professionals scheme.

For the Talent List of Hong Kong, please see this website.

Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents

Second generation of Chinese Hong Kong permanent residents who have emigrated overseas, aged 18-40 and hoping to return to Hong Kong can apply through the Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents. There is no quota under this scheme and applicants are not required to have secured an offer of employment before entry.

Recruitment by the Department of Health and the Hospital Authority

Department of Health (DH) is the Government's health adviser and agency to execute health policies and statutory functions. Its mission is to safeguard the health of the people of Hong Kong through promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services as well as fostering community partnership and international collaboration.

Recruitment of Contract Doctor (without Full Registration) (applications are accepted all year round)

Online application of other healthcare-related job positions within DH

© HKETO Jakarta 2017-2025
| Last Revision Date: 12 March 2025